How to Measure the Success of Your Mobile App: Key Metrics to Track

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Launching a mobile application is no piece of cake, let alone ensuring it stays successful. Prepare to face an even greater monster lurking in the shadows if you thought developing your mobile app was the most challenging task? This monster, which goes by the name of "measuring app success," demands your focus and tactical prowess. Measuring your app’s success can be daunting; however, here are some strategies that'll help you put yourself in the shoes of a successful application! Read on to learn how you can measure and optimize the success of your mobile application.

Setting App Goals

The first step to determining the success of your application is to set definite goals. Chart a trajectory that aligns with your business goals. Ask yourself these three questions:

  • What do I want my app to accomplish? 

  • Do I want to make money from subscriptions or in-app purchases? 

  • Do I want to engage and keep users, or do I want to raise brand awareness?

Just like setting other goals, you can use the same ideology when setting app goals. Use the SMART goals technique where 

  • S stands for specific. Specify the goals you have. For instance, "Increase daily active users by 20% over the next three months."

  • M stands for measurable. Create metrics that let you monitor your progress. For instance, "Achieve an in-app purchase conversion rate of 10%."

  • A stands for attainable. Do not jump overboard with your goals. Make sure they are realistic.

  • R stands for relevant. Make sure your objectives contribute to your overall business objectives and are in line with the purpose of your app.

  • T stands for time-bound. Establish a timetable or deadline for achieving your objectives. This makes things feel more urgent and makes it possible to monitor your progress over set time frames.

Additionally, think about dividing your objectives into more manageable milestones. This enables gradual advancement and makes them more manageable. As your app develops and the market environment changes, periodically review your goals and make adjustments.

Key Metrics to Track

Understanding the key metrics that offer insightful data into your mobile app's performance and user engagement is essential for measuring the success of your app. You can use these metrics to make data-driven decisions and as important indicators of the health of your app. Here are some of the important metrics you should monitor:

User acquisition metrics

Metrics related to user acquisition can help you understand how well your mobile app is able to draw in new users. You can assess the effectiveness of your marketing initiatives and make knowledgeable decisions to improve user acquisition strategies by keeping an eye on these metrics. These are the main metrics to monitor for user acquisition:

  • Total Downloads/Installs: Tracking downloads would help you understand how to proceed with your marketing campaigns

  • App Store Rankings: Keeping track of where your app appears in search results and top charts can help you learn more about its visibility and discoverability. By optimizing your app's metadata, keywords, and user reviews, you can raise your rankings.

  • Cost per Install (CPI): Cost per Install (CPI) measures the typical expense incurred to acquire one user who downloads your app. It is a crucial metric for assessing the success of your user acquisition campaigns, particularly when using paid acquisition methods like advertising. 

User Engagement Metrics 

Metrics for measuring user engagement tell you how frequently and in-depth users engage with your mobile app. These metrics assist you in determining how effectively your app is grabbing and holding users' attention. You can pinpoint problem areas, improve the user experience, and promote app success by tracking user engagement. Here are the key user engagement metrics to track:

  • Daily, weekly, and monthly active users: You can learn more about overall user activity and retention rates by keeping track of them.

  • Session Length: Determine the typical length of a user session in your app. If users are spending more time interacting with the content or features of your app, it may be because they value them. 

  • Feature Usage Metrics: Measuring how often users use particular features in your app can help you determine which ones are the most interesting and useful to users. It enables you to concentrate on improving underutilized features while optimizing widely used ones.

Conversion Metrics

Conversion metrics are essential for assessing how well your mobile app generates desired user actions, such as in-app purchases, subscriptions, or other conversions pertinent to the objectives of your app. By monitoring these metrics, you can evaluate how well your app converts users and how you can improve your monetization tactics. Here are some crucial conversion metrics to monitor:

  • Conversion Rate: Whether a user completes a purchase, subscribes to a service, signs up, or performs any other predefined action, conversion rates can be used to gauge how well the user experience is working.

  • Return on Investment (ROI): ROI gauges how profitable and successful your marketing campaigns or customer acquisition efforts were. It aids in your evaluation of the return on your user acquisition and retention investments. You can evaluate the effectiveness of your strategies by comparing the costs involved in acquiring and retaining users with the revenue produced.

  • Metrics related to subscriptions: If your app allows users to subscribe, keeping track of metrics like the conversion rate for new subscribers, the churn rate, and the subscriber retention rate is essential. These metrics support the evaluation of your subscription model's effectiveness and help pinpoint areas for enhancement in terms of pricing, content, or user engagement.

User Feedback and Ratings

Who better to ask about the functionality of your app than the users it was made for? You can learn more about user satisfaction through user feedback and ratings, gather data, and enhance your mobile app's overall quality. Monitoring and examining user feedback and ratings reveals important details about user experiences, problems, and areas that can be improved. Offering direct feedback channels within your app, such as in-app feedback forms or customer support, in addition to app store reviews, encourages users to express their opinions and grievances. Additionally, this would entail paying attention to feature requests made by your users and conducting surveys or user interviews to get more in-depth feedback. This would enable you to gather qualitative insights.

Top Analytics Platforms and Tools for Measuring Your Mobile App's Success

Monitoring analytics is essential for gauging the effectiveness of your mobile application. But how do you track it? There are so many platforms out there, and choosing one that does the job for you and doesn’t break the bank may be a tough choice. These tools give you the data and metrics required to comprehend user behavior, gauge the success of your apps, and improve your tactics. Here are some popular analytics tools and platforms to consider:

  • Google Analytics for Mobile Apps: Google Analytics provides an effective way to monitor app analytics. It offers thorough insights into metrics for user engagement, acquisition, behavior flow, and conversion.

  • Firebase Analytics: Firebase is a robust tool made especially for mobile apps and is part of Google's Firebase, a platform for mobile app development. It offers audience segmentation, user attribution, event tracking, and real-time analytics.

  • Apple App Analytics: Apple App Analytics is an integrated analytics tool on the App Store Connect platform that is available to iOS developers. It provides useful statistics on user engagement, in-app purchases, downloads, and app store impressions.  


In conclusion, there are many metrics to take into account when determining your mobile application's success. Launching your application is an exhilarating rush, but maintaining user engagement is a tedious task that is not for the faint of heart. However, if you get lost in the vast sea of applications, analytics platforms, and tools can simply serve as your compass?  Utilizing analytics platforms and tools enables you to collect data, gain useful insights, and make defensible choices to continuously improve the performance of your app. You can improve user experience, encourage user engagement, and ultimately ensure the success and longevity of your mobile app by concentrating on these metrics and putting optimization strategies into place. Embrace the challenges, celebrate the victories, and keep honing your app's magic?
